Its Thanksgiving, Its Thanksgiving! And this is my first Thanksgiving in Los Angeles in 3 years. It's so great to be home in Los Angeles. Vegging out on the couch, playing with Brownie, and cooking and eating a lot, this week is shaping up to be everything I've needed and more. Here's what's been keeping me busy.
Diet Cig
Ok, I've been listening to Diet Cig since this Summer, but its not till I've had the luxury of driving around in my car yell/singing along to "Breathless" that I've been able to appreciate this band for all their worth.
This Customizable Thanksgiving Menu Planner
In Thanksgivings past I have been the turkey maker, pie baker, and overall holiday party organizing extraordinaire. I'm pretty stoked to take a break this year and go out to eat at Sambar in Culver City. Buttt if you're making Thanksgiving at home, I highly recommend this Thanksgiving Menu Planner.
10 Ways to be a Great Overnight House Guest
Note to friends. (And self.)
Roundup of All the Crazy Things Happening Around the World and How We Can Make It Better
Its hard to make sense of everything going on, but I found this article that's the best I've found in explaining. I can't see I agree with every single thing, but its really thorough and worth the read.
It's easy to get caught up in despair and paralyzed by fear, I love how this article highlights 8 ways to nonviolently defend against terrorism.
Stay Hungry, Stay Sleepy