Sorry for the radio silence. Post-grad life has been surprising and unexpected to say the least, but definitely not unproductive!
Last we spoke (or I spoke. I guess this more of a one-sided relationship) I saw Timber Timbre. Who killed it, as expected.
So here's a list of shows I've seen since, and some great songs they've churned out. Definitely try and catch them next time they come around!
2.28 Mitski and Hundred Waters at Sinclair
Amazing spur of the moment show. I had never really listened to Mitski but had heard good things. After my friend saw her walking down the street before her set at the Sinclair, we decided to embark on our monthly "spontaneous activity of the month" and check her out. But Mitski..., man, it felt like she was reading my journal out loud. (a la "killing me softly") And not only did she blow my mind, but I could not stop dancing to Hundred Waters. Their lights and tunes would not stop.
3.5 RATKING and Trash Talk at the Sinclair
Another unexpected show, but I'm super stoked I got the chance to see them. Both of them. The juxtaposition of the two bands, one after the other, made it a show worth standing through, even for the restless. Trash Talk turned the whole floor into a mosh pit and it was nuts. I'm not even going to attempt to illustrate. I will say that I stayed a fair distance away because I had just gotten my nose pierced and was trying to not get punched in the face.
3.7 Lady Lamb the Beekeeper at Sinclair
This was long awaited for. I first saw Lady Lamb at SXSW in 2011, and had seen her 3 times since. Crane Your Neck turned me into a lifelong fan. BUT to be honest, her newest album took a few listens to grow on me, but once, it did... Boy, did it grow on me. Her lyrics can be anywhere from "wtf" to super poignant, and you can tell she's chosen her words so meticulously. Even if you took the music out, they're poetic all on their own. Like a page of her journal that I'm actually interested in reading. Some songs are softer, some call for a dance party. Sinclair was definitely a dance party that Saturday night.
3.14 Cursive at Sinclair
Cursive... Where oh where do I begin? Tim Kasher is not only a prolific musician, but a performer so dedicated to his craft, that watching him live almost made me want to cry. The show was sold out and I had kind of forgotten about it until a friend reminded me a few days prior. We got lucky enough to snag tickets (thanks stubhub). From the Hips, Sink to the Beat, Gentleman Caller, Butcher Song, Art is Hard, I Couldn't Love You Anymore, Driftwood....
"some melodies are like disease, they can inflame your misery, the will infect your memory, they haunt me" Lets put that under "lines I wish I wrote"... genius. so genius.